Monthly Archives: August 2012

Book Review: “The Navajo Code Talkers”

I typically don’t read history books. That said, “The Navajo Code Talkers” by Doris A. Paul was an interesting read. I was not very familiar with the role that the Navajo people played in helping the U.S. during World War II. This book illustrates the integrity of the Navajo Code Talkers and their determination to serve the U.S. during WWII. The book gives an overview of how the secret program came to fruition, how the code worked, and the role the Navajo played during the war. Finally, the book concludes with the Code Talkers’ experiences on returning from war, and how they were honored in later years.

For me, the best part of the book were the accounts of the individual experiences of some of the Code Talkers. Those individual accounts added interest to the reading, and helped show the inspiring character of the Navajo people.

I think every U.S. citizen should read this book. It shows the strength of a people who sacrificed much (including their lives) for the country that in many ways had previously wronged them. The reader comes to the conclusion that the Navajo are to be admired for their bravery, intelligence, and skill in helping the United States during WWII.

I received a complimentary copy of “The Navajo Code Talkers” as a member of the
Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team. Visit
to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.

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The In-Betweens—The Waiting is the Hardest Part

So, I’m in that “in-between” stage after graduating law school, studying for two months, then sitting for the bar exam – and now waiting for results. Oh yes, now I need to earn some money.  I could eat my degree, but I’m sure the paper won’t taste too good, and it won’t make too many meals.

It’s a weird place to be—after 7 years of studying and working part-time, I find myself without much to study, and with no work.  I have a few potential options, but nothing solid yet.  It appears that very soon my only option will be putting that JD to work in solving the analytical problems that arise during fast-food preparation.

I sure hope I passed the bar exam…

Assuming I passed, I can’t wait to start helping people sort through their legal problems.  I truly am excited about that opportunity.

As Tom Petty once said, (albeit about a different subject matter):

“The waiting is the hardest part;

Every day you see one more card;

You take it on faith, you take it to the heart;

The waiting is the hardest part.”


Filed under After the Bar Exam